For the second year in a row, afforestation of burned areas with drones has been carried out in Croatia. The innovative O2 Project wants to contribute to the preservation of ecosystems in the Republic of Croatia as well as the world through the development of the first autonomous fleet of afforestation drones.
Last November, drones flew over the areas affected by wildfires in British Columbia (Canada), dropping thousands of tree seeds on the charred soil. The flights were part of an experi-mental trial and attempts at reforestation in areas that were completely burned in the de-structive 2017 fire season. With drones on their side, people believe reforestation will go much faster, especially since wildfires are getting worse.
The strongest electric car in the world thus far debuted at this year’s New York Auto Show. The Austrian company DEUS Automobiles, which has only been in existence since 2020, has introduced its Vayanne model, which, as they say, is “the manifesto of the DEUS design lan-guage of symmetry and infinity that sculpts the car’s character”.
The coverage with and access to the 5G network in Croatia has grown since the summer of 2021, when licenses for the 5G frequency range were issued, to 60-70%, and a new auction is being prepared for the existing frequencies, to be held in early 2023, said Tonko Obuljen, Chairman of the Council at HAKOM.
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