Instagram is discontinuing some app time limit options and encouraging users to update their settings, according to a report from TechCrunch. Originally, users were able to select a time limit of as low as five minutes a day, while the new settings require them to set the minimum limit to 30 minutes.
The development of autonomous vehicles is already at an advanced stage, but the big question is whether and when it will become mainstream. Despite the efforts companies like Tesla put in autonomous solutions, the new generation of vehicles keeps causing problems in traffic.
In the future, smartphone batteries will have to contain information about battery life and this part of the device will have to be easily replaced. This was laid out in the Batteries Directive passed by the European Parliament, following consumer complaints across Europe regarding the life cycle of batteries in their smartphones.
For several days, more than a hundred thousand users of A1 Croatia wondered whether their personal data, such as personal ID number and address, would be misused. The telco reacted promptly to the unpleasant attack and immediately started solving security problems and contacting affected users.
The last decade on the capital market has been marked by enormous earnings of high-tech stocks, which have recorded outstanding results despite minor oscillations. As many as seven of the ten companies with the highest market value on the U.S. stock market come from the world of high tech, but judging by their performance in recent weeks, the bubble seems to be slowly inflating.
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