More than a billion people in the world will have access to 5G networks by the end of this year, according to a report presented by GSMA at this year’s edition of the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. Such data suggests that in the coming period, the deployment of 5G will be the fastest launch of a new generation network so far.
Last fiscal year, Hrvatski Telekom generated revenues of HRK 7.393 billion, thus recording a slight revenue adjustment of the largest Croatian operator. HT Group’s organic revenue (adjusted for Optima Telekom contribution in the second half of last year) in 2021 increased by 1.1 percent year-over-year.
The next-generation network has been welcomed with open arms by more than half of the population of the developed world, which is familiar with the advantages of 5G. Europe has thus implemented the new technology and launched 5G networks without a hitch, and it is also widely used in the East, especially in China, where 5G is widely accepted.
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