After taking over the Infobip Shift conference, the company decided to expand to the media field. Ivan Burazin, Chief Developer Experience Officer at Infobip, reveals details about the acquisition process. From the get-go, the common goal of Infobip Shift and Netokracija is their international presence and expansion.
According to a new study by the reputable analyst house Juniper Research, Croatia’s first domestic unicorn, the company Infobip, can look forward to stable business operations in the next five years, and even room for growth. Thus, they suggest that the SMS will not only still be here in five years’ time but also remain very much relevant and popular as a communication tool, particularly in business communication with users.
The analysis used the Competitor Leaderboard tool, which provides an independent assessment of the capacity and capabilities of each of the companies it analyzes and their product positioning, including the size of their operations, financial performance, and the sophistication of their messaging solutions – ICT Business explains.
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